Thursday, April 14, 2005

2 jobs, a girl and an ex-girlfriend

i have been so busy this recent week. for those who'd been reading my blog since i first started. you'll maybe remember that i'd mention before that i wanted to take a break for as long as i want after i finish my studies. but it turns out, i changed my mind. the break was short. i attended job interviews.

first, i would like to thank kudo for giving me insights on writing a good resume. 'no bullshitting' as he would say it. from that resume, i've managed to get a couple of interviews. i think it was four actually. there was this one day that i had two interviews on the same day. thank god it was not on the same time. from those interviews, two companies are offering me an oppurtunity to work with them. so i'll just write bout my experiences with these two companies during the job interview.

company A is a private computer consultant company looking for java programmers urgently. the interview at company A was held last Saturday (9th April). and the interview for company B was two days after. the interview was kinda short, they even gave me a print of error messages from a web server to identify and try to debug it. tell them what's wrong with the webpage their building. luckily it was something that i was familiar with. apart from that, i also showed them my thesis and my work and he was kinda impress (at least) and he even said that he will recommend me to the human resource department. 15 minutes is all the time the interviewer can spare me.

now, company B is a big private company with vast business investments and operations and their business are not mainly on computer solutions. been about 3 decades in the industry and very very stable. they were also looking for java programmers. but i had to take a test first to see my level of programming skill as well as my knowledge of the java technology and design and so on. there was 2 interview session and man, they really know where to nail you. it was really really tough. especially the ones when they ask you what do you see yourself as in 3-5 years time if you're accepted in the company. i didn't even remembered what spurred out from my mouth. i also showed them my thesis and explain to both of 'em about my final project. the whole test and interview took about 2 hours. i left the building with a mix match feeling thinking that my chances are slim.

the funny thing is, when i was taking that test, company A called my mobile (thank god it was in silent mode and not during the interview) and said that my application was successfull and they wanted me to report immediately on that same day. and there was i trying to think on what should i reply to them. so i ended up replying that i needed 3 days to consider. a short pause at the other end. then she (the person from company A) was insisting that i come immediately to report to work. i said that i'm attending an interview as we speak and i'll call back later to discuss on it. the moment i said that i felt like an idiot. you know how hard it is for fresh grads especially fresh IT grads to find a job and suddenly you're thinking about considering it?

after the interview, i called back company A and said that i'll be reporting to work on the 14th and i was glad that they were cool with it.

13th April, 4:00 pm. i received a phone call from company B and they said that my application was succesful. it was an answer that i was hoping for these past few days. i trully hoped that i would succeed on getting the job from this company. i'd talked about it the whole week to my friends about it. mesti diorang kata aku dah berangan2 pasal benda ni.

so here's the tricky part. i'd already said to company A that i'll be coming to work on the date comfirmed. but i haven't signed any kind of agreement yet. so i think that i am not obliged or 'terikat' with them. but the hardest part would be calling them and say that i am turning down their offer. how do you turn down a job offer the proper way?

so anyway, thinking back, i think that my final project finally paid off. the daunting hours of coding and debugging the system really helped me in a lot of ways. i even had sleepless nights in completing the project and thesis. the whole process of learning to code line by line and understanding the whole concept of programming really helped me to land this job. my gratitude to my lecturers and friends who continued to show support in my interest and in my studes. my gratitude also extends to tricksy for encouraging me to learn the language. 'boleh cari makan dengan java' eh? it turns out to be so true.

so for those IT students out there. you gotta find something that you can do the best. you got to develop your skills especially those in demand in the market right now. your university education will teach you the introductory part but the rest depends on you. those stories about IT grads not successfull on acquiring a job only happens if you're not 'hungry' enough to learn and re-learn the trade (just as one of many examples). so i wish you all the best in your future and may our path cross in the future.

ok, now you're wondering where's the story about a girl and an ex-girlfriend. i think this entry is kinda long so i'll write about it later :). regards.

Friday, April 01, 2005

hey, anyone out there?

it's been a while since i last blog due to some unexpected circumstances. so here's some updates.

1. my finals are over. done. finish. BUT i'm not off the hook yet because...

2. i have to do a second presentation this coming monday. seems that despite the numerous attacks by the panel regarding my final project they seem to like it. the project was shortlisted for the best final project. i highly doubt it that i'll be selected for the best among the best. but i'll sure do the best i can.

3. my ex-girlfriend who i haven't met for years called me recently. had a chat for what seems like an hour. claimed that she searched for me for years. said this and that and i basically don't know how to react to this.

4. my birthday's coming up next week. sad thing is i can't celebrate it at home due to this freaking presentation. my birthday is just the day after that presentation. my friends at home are bugging me to come back but i got so many things to do. aiyaa...

so there you have it. latest updates of someone insignificant to anyone. i don't even know if anyone reads this blog. but if you happen to stop by, kudos to you mate!