Friday, January 28, 2005


things happens
people walking by
as i watch on this edged wooden chair
a fine line i created without no lines;

here and there
i’ve been to places
to find something, someone
but in the end in despair;

a photograph on a wall
reminds me of something i've been
i've become...
but no more;

people telling me
of things they want to be
ask the same questions
silence stares everywhere
again... in despair;

things i've said
i wish i am
in between the lines
hope they understand
that's just who i am;

is that free-will?
or just stupidity at it's best
or a double edge sword
stabbing blindly
untill it hits the aim

something at my back
it's just a knife
not suprised
not suprised at all

walking slowly
i've found a place
i lay down
i've found a place
i can have peace
i can have peace.

the wind blowing
a strange feeling deep inside
look up and see
maybe that's me
maybe that's me